This post is about the power of setting an intention and asking for what we really want. Last week I submitted my article to Spiritual Directors International re: the time with Anne Lamott. When I heard back from the editor, she said she loved the piece and would like to use it in their May publication. May seemed like such a long way off and my essential self said, "I want more... now"!! So... I asked. Long story short - they printed the article yesterday on their blogsite and will run it again in their May publication. I am thrilled and so proud of myself for having the courage to ask for what I desired. Remember - if you don't ask, you can't receive YES!!
Where does your heart long for more? Is it possible all you need to do is ask?
I hope you'll click on over to the SDI site and read my post there. Please say, YES.
comfy couch by lucy
This is SO great. To take that extra step and ask for early publication was really being true to yourself. Love the quote you open this post with.
Slight tangent (and huge generalisation): I sometimes wonder if men tend to be better than women at asking for and getting what they want is because the whole conventional dating game puts them in the place of the person doing the asking at an early age. So they expand their comfort zone as teenagers by asking and getting turned down a lot (most of them).
Fabulous, lucy. Quite inspiring!
I'm on my way over to sdi:)
hey tess - thanks for your encouragement. i definitely think there's merit in what you say about men getting more practice at asking... hopefully, the times they are a-changing! xo
always love to hear from the fan club, maureen, claire & SS!!! thanks for your support!!!! peace.
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