Monday, December 10, 2007

Gratitude Dance



Dianna Woolley said...

THIS IS GREAT!!!!! xoxo

Kayce aka lucy said...

ss--so glad to know someone took a peak here. i think it's great, too!!!
you are definitely included in my gratitude dance! xoxoxox

Abbey of the Arts said...

very fun lucy, I just had a chance to watch it through. I'm doing a gratitude dance for you! :-) You really can't help but smile while doing it.

Shelby said...

loved the video!!

Kayce aka lucy said...

good morning ladies--
i just did my little gratitude dance for each of you. it's really quite an aerobic workout if you do the whole thing through--so spiritual and physical and emotional benefits all at the same time. woo hooo!!!!

storyteller said...

Lucy - This always makes me laugh! I've got a slightly different version in the Sidebar at Sacred Ruminations. If memory serves, Olivia shared it (and an original one of her own via Olivia TV) some time back in early November, but Gratitude Dancing makes LOTS of sense every day. I've not looked at it in a while so I appreciate the reminder.
Hugs and blessings,

Ted Marshall said...

I forgot to watch this before and just have - love it! My cats can do it too.