1. Begin the challenge immediately.
2. Pick up your camera and take pictures of where you predominantly spend your time blogging. Include a forward facing, left and right side view.
3. Do NOT stop to tidy up, redecorate, make your bed or whatever you think needs to be done to impress others or sooth your Martha Stewart-ish ego.
4. Post your pictures (with a brief description if you like.)
5. Add your name to Mr. Linky below.
6. Optional: Tag five other bloggers whose space you'd love to virtually visit.
OK. I'll go first. Welcome to my home...
Please join me and invite your friends!!!
Sorry hon, can't do it, it feels too private! Great idea though.
PS: and of course after leaving the comment above I realise this goes directly against my 2010 word of Hospitality. Oh crap!
At the moment, my blog is squatting at my daughter's kitchen table, with a tropical garden on two sides. Dirty glasses, cup, raisin bread, pile of Calvin & Hobbes books, Diary of a wimpy Kid, and Little Big Planet computer game's theme song in the background...
Sunshine all over.
Blessings. Neat idea :-)
Lucy, oh wow! I'd love to hop onto the left side there on the couch, tuck the black and white pillow behind my back, and chatter away about shoes and ships and sealing-wax, yes! and cabbages and kings!
That is so great that you shared your sacred space.....it is great to visualize you there! Thanks for sharing! Love, Pamela
Hi Lucy!
I'm happy to play! And intrigued to get the insight into where you produce your amazing entries.
tess - VERY interesting!! and, of course, after reading your first comment, i gasped and thought "oh my, i've gone and done TOO MUCH"... and wanted to take this post away and go hide in a corner. then i read your second comment and smiled and decided to see where this goes. so????
claire - what a glorious description and space you have offered. i can almost feel the jelly crumbs sticking to my fingers. thanks for adding a different kind of visual.
kigen - i can spend hours tucked into that little corner, dreaming away. it really is quite magical.
pamela - thanks. i'm ready to see pic's of that library of yours (complete with ladder!!!)
ER - bravo. curious that all the women have passed on the challenge so far and you are the first to dive into this challenge...
and stay tuned, because your comment will very likely be the lead quote in an upcoming post. thx for the jumping off point i needed :-)
I wish there was a way to post this as a comment. When I read this, the camera happened to be sitting right next to my (brand spanking shiny new, thank you very much!) computer, so I took the pics right away. But I'm not going to post this on my blog for a while because I'm at the beginning of a four-part series.
I LOVE the color of your walls. Did the paint have a poetic name worth sharing?
Good thing you did not ask to photograph behind me. I am not sure about all this Mr. Linky business, but I will post the pictures on my blog shortly.
Oh heavens, I never wanted to make you feel like hiding in a corner! It really is a great idea, it's just me!
I LOVE it!! Yes, yes, YES!!
Your space is BEAUTIFUL--I love the color on your wall and the slanty ceiling. An attic room? I want to curl up on that daybed with a cup of tea and watch you type...
When I was interviewing a poet recently, I asked her if she had a room of her own where she worked and to describe it and, if she did not, to describe the kind of room she'd like to have. Her response was that she's yet to be able to figure out how to show a room that exists in her head. I laughed. I thought it was a great answer.
pollinatrix - oh, so exciting, a new computer! i'll look forward to seeing the photos when you get around to posting them.
i'm certain there was a fabulous color name for the room. my daughter helped pick it out and it came out of the disney line of paints :-)
barbara - i hope you'll give mr. linky a try. he's really much less intimidating than he seems :-) thanks for playing.
tess - the grand circle of life - your issues bumping my issues, bumping yours... xoxo
karen - again, thanks for the inspiration. it really is a cozy space. it's not technically an attic. we live in a 100 year old farm house, so have all sorts of slanty ceilings :-)
maureen - it is a very poetic answer although it seems like that is what poets often too best - describe things & places that exist in their heads. are we going to see your space?
I did the Mr. Linky bit and now I am listed twice. :S I think I will go and groom the kittehs now.
Just finished watching a movie here downstairs on my computer; am ready to tuck in for the night. I am thinking about how I left my desk - I know the room is deep in glue, paint, and pieces waiting to be signed - oh yikes, I don't know if I'll have the nerve or the bad sense to actually photograph it tomorrow - we'll see:)
Great idea... I'll post mine tomorrow when I do my weekly daybook... happy new year Lucy - hope all is well with you xx
SS - how about that virtual visit? i know you have a camera and a wonderful space :-) keep thinking about one of your earlier posts re: "a mess of my own making." xoxox
Danny - look forward to seeing your post. happy new year to you too! it's been a great start to the new year. wishing the same for you!!!
The virtual tour is scheduled for Tuesday. Get out the popcorn - coming attractions:)
Love the warmth of your of the color, Lucy!
ps. hmmm will consider the challenge, but my desk is shared with a tween and a teen. So, I'm at an instant disadvantage... ;)
SS - warming up the popcorn popper - er, the microwave at least :-)
HGF - it really is a great color in here.
i hope you'll consider the challenge. that's what's so great about peeking into spaces. we get to see from whence all of these great blogs come - in a variety of states, sizes and sharings!!!
Well, I didn't take a pic of the teen cluttered desk, just not fair, or should I say a fair representation of where I work....is this ocd, or am I just an 'artiste' when I have to clean the area first before I sit and concentrate on writing whether for blogging or for college. :)
voila!that's a nice room with many combination of color.
So Interesting in caught them.
GBU lucy ^_^
Best regards from Indonesia :),
Belinda JK
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