Tuesday, September 25, 2007


"The voice of God flashes forth flames of fire." -Psalm 29:7

excerpted from a dream:

it unnerves me to be seen
candles at my feet
tapestry boots aflame
lighting my path

candles at my feet
burning away the dross
lighting my path
singed but not ruined

burning away the dross
tapestry boots aflame
singed but not ruined
it unnerves me to be seen


Anonymous said...

Oooohhh, a Dream Pantoum, I love it, and the dream sounds so very evocative!

Kayce aka lucy said...

yes, if anyone would catch onto a dream pantoum, it would be you, christine :-)

the dream was a real mix of water, fire and the tapestry boots. hmmm.

Anonymous said...

I love the image of your way being lit by your flaming feet. In a weird kind of way it also makes me think of walking through deep snow - feet forcing a way through.

And oh dear, I'm in disgrace, I hadn't spotted it was a pantoum - although there was something familiar...

Kayce aka lucy said...

no disgrace here, tess!