For some reason I was prompted to explore Psalm 13 and verse 2 managed to pop out at me. “How long shall I take counsel in my soul, Having sorrow in my heart all the day?” (NAS version). I was concerned that the verse alluded to me listening more to myself than to God, but other translations led me to think that the verse referred to an anxious mind which did not feel relevant to me today. Then “Pow” the next thing I know, my mind is racing with the issues of the world and just like that serenity is gone and sorrow for the world has entered.
So, what do worm castings, global warming, organic gardening, Charlotte’s Web and lighting the Dafur wall have in common? Throw in the homeless person on the corner and a decision whether to purchase a latte at Starbucks or try to find an independent barista who sells fair trade coffee and my morning walk (which was my next step toward trying to regain calm) turned into even more food for fodder. It is all too much! As I said at the beginning, it is information overload and today the topic seems to be our collapsing world.

While I consider myself to be a pretty conscientious person, I have never fully embraced the total “tree hugger” mentality that met me head on 18 years ago when I moved to Seattle from Oklahoma. My conservative roots run pretty deep and while a few years ago I did break down and buy Birkenstocks (floral not basic brown), I still pretty much insist on shaving my legs and armpits (time allowing) and have a hard time considering myself as an angry in-your-face activist such as the cloth diaper pushing moms I met when I was pregnant with my now 18 year old son.
But, just as my theological world view has shifted from one of an evangelical/fundamental outlook to one that is more emergent and postmodern, I am finding that I can no longer ignore the person on the street corner or easily throw plastic into the garbage bin rather than recycle. (And I must admit, even though I was somewhat bullied into it, I am happy to say that I primarily used cloth diapers for my kids.) I have started riding the bus and walking where I can rather than driving and I am feeling pretty guilty about that container of chemical weed killer sitting in my garage.
And, just when I was starting to hyperventilate and think that one person, one family, cannot begin to make a dent in the hurt, the hunger, the global warming, the pain, the….you get the picture, God in the way only God can do showed me these words from Brian McLaren’s a Generous Orthodoxy in his chapter “Why I Am Green.”
“Just caring is a good start. That’s a real start. Who knows where it could lead.”
Okay. Deep sigh. My mind is a little calmer now and sharing even these words feels like a start. So, to return back to worm castings, global warming, etc. I shall share a bit of my brain’s rabbit trail.

Krista Tippett has a great interview with author, Barbara Kingsolver on her new book,Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, about eating locally and better.
E.B. White's, Charlotte's Web—the book and movie are fabulous. Julia Roberts (as Charlotte) makes a great case for treating spiders kindly.

And, Tess, brought this project for lighting the Dafur wall to my attention.
In closing, I leave you with the wisdom of Kermit the Frog: It's not easy being green.
You know, it's quite possible to care deeply about the poor and global warming and darfur, and still shave your legs and armpits. :)
And I'm just guessing that the man in your life would actually prefer it that way. :) again
You go. God is at work in you and don't worry a lick about stereotypes or "fitting in." Be always unique YOU, the YOU that you are and that you are becoming as you follow Jesus. That is your precious gift to all of us.
I agree with A on the armpits shaving! And the rest of the comment.
Interesting you should talk about Green issues. Much on my mind at the moment. More and more I believe that bearing witness for our planet and everything on and in it is an important part of how we live as people of faith.
And don't think too badly of the rabbit holes - remember the Weasleys live in The Burrow!
Whew! We are too much alike some times - except for the VESPA! Glad to be back in Lucy's touch:)
thanks, a. points well taken (and with a laugh for sure!)
tess--love the notion of the "burrow" and your recent post on such!
sunrise sister--yep, it's spooky sometime (mind sieve/rabbit trails).
have you tried a vespa? you might be surprised :-)
glad to have you back.
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