(quote found @ Discombobula)
(quote found @ Sacred Ruminations)The beauty of graceDaniel Levin, Zen Cards
is that you receive blessings
for no reason.
As above, so below.
PRACTICE random acts of grace.
Give to others for no reason.
Offer kindness to those who are undeserving,
love those who no one else loves.
Practice grace.
Be generous. You don't know what you get back until you give. --Bill Clapp("morning sky" photo by lucy)
Oh, yeah! Your quotes hit some of my hot buttons in a very good way.
God doesn't need our stuff, but we sure do need to give it. The changes wrought by our gifts are often good. The changes wrought in ourselves by giving are often greater.
I am challenged to receive and feel the full blessings of grace. Perhaps if I can offer more grace, I will experience more grace.
Your quotations are signs of encouragement along my journey.
("Morning Sky" glows!)
Lucy -- It appears you managed to break through the "block" you felt earlier. Perhaps "venting" helps?
Lovely photo! I'm glad the quote I left in my Day 29 My Sacred Life post about "Grace" resonated and somehow linked your post to mine Sacred Ruminations. Just how does one DO that? Sigh ... there's just so much I don't yet know ... but I'm learning all the time. Today, I feel as if I'm getting nowhere however.
Hugs and blessings,
Happy Thanksgiving Lucy, Geezer, Storyteller - none of my comments are going through today - I wonder if Lucy is censoring me?:)
glad you like the quotes, Geezer Dude.
storyteller--the "block" is not broken. this is just my attempt to produce something to make me feel better while copying others work. these themes of "grace" seemed to be popping up everywhere, so i am trying to listen.
sunsrise sis--lucy's been pretty grumpy today, so who knows you might have been inadvertently censored :-)
I'm blocked and grouchy as well (mine's partly hormonal but partly frustration grrrrr)
You inspired me with your talk about The Artist's Way so I ordered a secondhand copy. It arrived here today (quicker than the Julian Norwich which I ordered from Australia; this one came across the ocean and has still beaten it; I think Julian's been lost in the system maybe). It feels like the right time to do something like this. I thought I had done this course before but now I'm not so sure I have. It's a bit daunting. All those morning pages gonna eat into my blog addiction (which has monumentally grown since I have given up my joint smoking addiction). I might skip ahead to the addictions section.
So thanks for the inspiration :)
hi sue--
i hope you can look at the AW as inspiring rather than daunting. i continue to pretty faithfully do my morning pages after almost 4 years. it is really cool, because that is often where some of my best inspiration comes from...when i just let it all flow. other days it simply serves to get some of the gunk out of the way to make room for a more peaceful existence.
good luck and you are very welcome. i look forward to seeing what is inspired!!
I did my morning pages for the first time yesterday morning (with a caveat to myself that it doesn't have to be the absolute *second* I fall out of bed, Dorothea Brande style, but within the next hour is fine).
I have done them for years and found them helpful - I did them when I was sick, and morning pages were about the only thing I could write because I didn't have enough energy after that for anything else. But they helped my sanity, anyway.
I feel more positive about them this morning. They *are* really helpful.
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