bold & brilliant
shining for all to see
illuminating darkness
floating in the sky
moving & shifting
glistening & hiding
illuminating darkness
mother moon
shines her iridescent self
for all the world to see
illuminating darkness
children of the womb
stand in awe &
adore full mother moon
illuminating darkness
photo courtesy of abbey of the arts
"full moon speaks her truth" and "shines her iridescent self" -- would that we could all follow her example fully, children of the womb indeed give your adoration and praise. Thanks lucy for a wonderful image.
Children of the womb. Yes, that's us.
Wonderful, Lucy. I love Christine's photo, and went over to read some of the many beautiful entries. I hope the nine-year-old continues to write and share her gift.
Magnificent poem, Lucy! I'm with Tess - that is a wonderful line.
Magnificent photo and lovely poem. I'm still mulling over Reihold Niebhur's message in your post of a few days back. I appreciate you including both the visual and auditory links because I'm using them together. I'll eventually leave a response on your previous two posts, but not today :)
Hugs and blessings,
thank you all--i love seeing what stands out for each of you!
Ringworm is also known as tinea. This is a fungal infection on the skin. It is very common condition and it is contagious. Ringworm is caused by fungi which live on the top layer of the skin.
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